Sophia Argyris

Heronless - launch in Oxford

Tuesday 08 April 2025
19:00 to 20:30

In person launch of Heronless, a new poetry pamphlet from Sophia Argyris. How to grieve for a dying world whilst still finding joy in its beauty? How to come to terms with the loss of a parent? These are some of the questions raised by Sophia’s poems.

Reading alongside Sophia will be

Alan Buckley, author of two pamphlets, and the full collection Touched (HappenStance 2020); his second collection Still is forthcoming from Blue Diode Press in 2025. Alan's poems have been highly commended in the Forward and Bridport prizes. As well as writing, editing and tutoring he works as a psychotherapist.
Benedicta Norell, author of Terrible Mother, published by Black Cat Poetry Press in 2024. Her poems have appeared in various literary magazines including Dust Poetry, Atrium Poetry and Blue Press. She is currently working on a collection about menopause and midlife. 
To give us an idea of how many people to expect, please book a free place at the launch by going to
Contact Sophia Argyris
The cafe at The Old Fire Station,
George Street,
(view map)
Cost Free