Vanishing Point

Kathy Miles is a poet who writes about the interaction between human and animal worlds. Her writing draws on surreal images but never loses touch with close observations of people, creatures and landscape.  As Gillian Clarke said of Kathy: “her poems are layered with myth, history, personal experience... the real enriched by myth, and myth deepened by the essential realism of the poet’s vision.”

Living in West Wales, near enough to the sea to be enveloped in its mists and moods, Kathy is a previous winner of the Bridport Prize. In this, her fifth collection, a number of poems grew out of a close family bereavement. But their elegiac bereft quality echoes the grief many of us feel at climate change and other humanity-driven impacts on the environment.

Spring, the clock leaps forward /and I want to turn back its hands, / see starlings perched in their usual place; / you, sitting again in your favourite chair.

Vanishing Point launched in May 2024 in Aberystwyth. You can order a copy for £11.00 (excluding postage) from this page, or from Amazon. 

Contact Information

Camilla Reeve, Senior Editor

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